An Approach to Evaluate Network Simulators: An Experience with Packet Tracer
Palabras clave:
Network Simulators, Evaluation Criteria, Comparison Approach, Packet TracerResumen
Besides the measurement and the mathematical analysis, network simulation is a widespread methodology that is used to study computer systems and display their different aspects. However, a simulator is only an approximate model of the desired setting, leading to the need of establishing guidelines that support researchers in the tasks of selecting and customizing a simulator to suit their preferences and needs. In this paper, we propose a simple approach, based on a set of criteria for the evaluation and selection of network simulators, the implementation of the approach leads to results that are measurable and comparable. Then, the proposed approach was put to the test on Packet Tracer. The obtained results give a comprehensive overview of the simulator’s features, its advantages, and disadvantages. This paper does not propose a method for selecting the best simulator, but it provides researchers with an evaluation tool that can be used to describe and compare network simulators in order to select the most appropriate one for a given scenario.Descargas
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