Importancia de la lactancia materna en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19: Revisión integradora de la literatura



COVID-19, Breastfeeding, Nursing, Obstetric


To describe, through the scientific studies available in the national and international literature, the benefits of breastfeeding in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a literary integrative review research, constructed from materials published between 2019 and 2020. For the selection of texts, an Internet survey was carried out using the databases of the Virtual Health Library. The keywords investigated were: Breastfeeding; COVID-19; Nurse; Pandemic and Obstetrics. Results: We included 18 articles that were considered relevant to the proposed topic. Two thematic categories were used: 1. Results of breastfeeding in pregnant and postpartum women with suspicion and confirmation of COVID-19; 2. Actions for breastfeeding in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Breastfeeding should be encouraged even in women with COVID-19, provided hand hygiene and the use of a surgical mask are performed. Further studies with greater methodological rigor should be developed to overcome controversies on the matter.


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How to Cite

Santana, C. T., Alves da Silva, D., Dos Santos Lima, E., Rosa dos Anjos, I., Gonçalves dos Santos, G., & Silva Frazão, Z. (2022). Importancia de la lactancia materna en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19: Revisión integradora de la literatura. Revista De Obstetricia Y Ginecología De Venezuela, 82(3), 362–372. Retrieved from