Current perspective on cervical cancer prevention in Venezuela. Assessment through a survey



Cervical Cancer, Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention


To assess the current perspective of primary and secondary prevention of cervical cancer in Venezuela. Methods: An online self-administered, structured survey of 20 short-answer, single-choice, closed-ended questions was performed. Specialists in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Venezuela were invited to participate and the survey purposes, data protection and confidentiality were explained to the participants. Descriptive and frequency analyses were performed. The response rate was calculated (Excel, Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA, USA). Results: Out of 1000 invitations sent, the response rate was 42.2 %. More than 90 % of specialists consider necessary the inclusion of human papillomavirus vaccine and genotyping in a primary and secondary prevention strategy against cervical cancer, as part of an up-to-date national plan for the eradication of this disease.
Conclusions: There is a need to implement new recommendations according to international guidelines for primary and secondary prevention of cervical cancer in our country, in order to achieve the eradication of the disease.



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How to Cite

Fernándes, A., Pérez, M. M., Ávila, M., Fuenmayor, J., Karolinski, A., & Hoegl, J. (2022). Current perspective on cervical cancer prevention in Venezuela. Assessment through a survey. Revista De Obstetricia Y Ginecología De Venezuela, 82(3), 340–349. Retrieved from