Uso de factores de crecimiento plaquetario en síndrome genitourinario. Experiencia privada



Factores de Crecimiento Plaquetario Autologos, Síndrome Genitourinario, SGM, Autologous Platelet Growth Factors, Genitourinary Syndrome


To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of autologous platelet growth factors in long-term menopausal genitourinary syndrome. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal, observational, experimental study was conducted in 1500 patients who attended the private practice from August 2012 to December 2016, with signs and symptoms compatible with menopausal genitourinary syndrome. With prior informed consent, medical history, physical examination, paraclinical examination (laboratory, cytocolposcopy, vault or cervical biopsy) and classification of menopausal genitourinary syndrome into mild, moderate and severe, cervix biopsy was taken from those considered severe. Platelet-rich plasma was prepared and placed on each patient monthly for three sessions. Controls were performed at one month, at 45 days (cytology, colposcopy and control biopsy in cases classified as severe), at six months and one year after the procedure, and then, they went to the gynecological control annually until today. Results: The symptomatology consulted was variable, predominantly pruritus, and vaginal discharges in 80%. In 100% of the patients, the symptoms disappeared. There were no complications. of the procedure. 3% reported headaches, and transient hyperthermia. There were significant histological changes in biopsy and control cytology.
Conclusions: The use of autologous platelet growth factors contributes to restoring the vaginal mucosa, with the consequent disappearance of the symptoms. It is a minimally invasive tool, without side effects.


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How to Cite

Ajakaida, R. (2022). Uso de factores de crecimiento plaquetario en síndrome genitourinario. Experiencia privada. Revista De Obstetricia Y Ginecología De Venezuela, 82(2), 198–206. Retrieved from



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