Calcio sérico, grosor cortical del segundo metacarpiano y síntomas en la menopausia



To establish the association between serum calcium concentrations, cortical thickness of the second metacarpal and symptoms of menopause.
Materials and methods: This study was cross-sectional and prospective and included menopausal women aged between 50 and 70 years who attended the Gynecology and Obstetrics consultation at the Central Hospital “Dr. Urquinaona”, Maracaibo, Venezuela. General characteristics, serum calcium concentrations, cortical thickness of the second metacarpal and menopausal symptoms were evaluated.
Results: Most of the patients (55.5%) were older than 65 years, with the onset of menopause after 45 years (64.8%), with 4 or more pregnancies (85.2%) and without a history use of contraceptive methods (79.6%). It was observed that 38 participants (70.3%) presented normal values of serum calcium concentrations, while 16 women (29.6%) presented values below the normal value and 28 participants (51.8%) presented moderate changes. and 6 women (11.1%) presented severe changes in the cortical thickness of the second metacarpal. When analyzing the possible associations between menopausal symptoms with both serum calcium values and cortical thickness values, it was observed that these were not significant (p = 0.5097 and p = 0.1617, respectively). No association was found between serum calcium concentrations and cortical thickness (p = 0.4074).
Conclusion: There is no significant association between serum calcium concentrations, cortical thickness of the second metacarpal and menopausal symptoms.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Ramírez, A., Mejía-Montilla, J., Reyna-Villasmil, N., Torres-Cepeda, D., & Reyna-Villasmil, E. (2022). Calcio sérico, grosor cortical del segundo metacarpiano y síntomas en la menopausia. Revista De Obstetricia Y Ginecología De Venezuela, 82(2), 145–151. Retrieved from



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