Three-dimensional analysis of the human kidney arterial bed


  • Islam U Vagabov,
  • Edgar S Kafarov,
  • Abuselim Vezirkhanov,

Palabras clave:

kidney, renal arteries, 3D-stereometry


The aim of the research was to conduct a three-dimensional and quantitative analysis of the human kidney arterial system to identify sources of segmental arteries. 116 corrosive preparations of the human kidney arterial system were made, followed by 3D scanning to obtain digital models. Morphometric analysis data were processed by variation statistics methods. It has been established that on the basis of the fractal structure principles of the intra organic arterial kidney bed and the dichotomous branching of its links in the kidneys, identification and specific designation of the links is not possible, since there is only one link in the main branch, and interlobular arteries in the loose branch of 1st and 2nd orders, which determine the level of segmental arteries. As a result of this, these arteries are not designated in the International Anatomical Nomenclature and their number varies from 6 to 10, depending on the types of branching of the kidney arterial vessels.


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