In Silico Analysis of Formononetin Compound as a Breast Anti Cancer
Palabras clave:
Breast cancer, estrogen, formononetin, in silico modelingResumen
For long the relationship between estrogen andcancer has been proved. Formononetin is aphytoestrogen which has been reported to have anticancereffects. Phytoestrogens have the same structureand properties as human estrogen and can interact withER-α without inducing any cell proliferation. While anticancerproperties of Formononetin in prevention of othercancers like prostate and carcinoma colon have beenstudied, its effects on breast cancer remain unknown. Theaim of the present study is to analyse the formononetincompound as a competitor of estrogen in terms of thebond quality with ER-α. The method used in this studywas in silico or computation by molecular docking methodusing PvRx software. The data was also analysed usingDiscovery Studio software. The results showed thatthe formononetin compounds have a value of free energyequal to -7.3 kcal/mol, lower than 17-β-Estradiol (naturalestrogen) that is -6.4 kcal/mol, but higher than 3 alkylnaphthalene(estrogen synthetic) that is -11.2 kcal/mol.Based on the results, formononetin has a great potentialas an estrogen competitor because it has a value of freeenergy that is lower than the natural estrogen.Descargas
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