Hipertensión arterial nocturna: durmiendo con el enemigo


  • Juan David Orozco-Burbano
  • Alex Jhonier Imbachi-Salamanca
  • Manuel Felipe Cáceres-Acosta
  • Nelson Adolfo López Garzón
  • Andrés Marcelo Piarpuzán-Yasnó
  • Juan Sebastián Delgado-Caravali


Arterial hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The emphasis is usually on daytime blood pressure control. However, different conditions can generate disturbance in the regulation of circadian rhythm that lead to the presence of nocturnal hypertension, describe as high blood pressure at night with a normal pressure at daytime. This condition has been stipulated as a predictor of major cardiovascular events, which requires early recognition by medical staff for a correct approach and treatment. A review of the most relevant aspects of the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of this condition is discussed in this article


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