The frequency of congenital heart diseases among premature neonates


  • Sinan Abdulrazzaq Ibrahim M.B.Ch.B., F.I.C.M.S(ped), F.I.C.M.S.(cardio), Department of pediatrics, College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq
  • Ali Alkindi Ruaa Hadi M.B.Ch.B, F.I.C.M.S. pediatrics specialist in Department of paediatrics /Al-Emamein Alkadhmein Medical city, Iraq
  • Yasir Breasm Dhamem F.I.B.M.S. Pediatrics, specialist in Al-Karama Teaching Hospital, Iraq


congenital heart disease, Premature, frequency


Background: Major congenital heart diseases(CHD) accounts for nearly one third the incidence among live births a prevalence ranging from 4 to 50 per 1,000. even higher in cases of premature children. Aim of study to find the frequency of congenital heart disease in premature neonates. Patients and methods: 250 neonates are enrolled in the study who admitted to the pediatric ward in AL-Emamain AL-Khadhumain Medical city. The neonates were collected during the period from 15th of November, 2018 to 7th of January, 2019, The neonates with suspicion of congenital heart disease were sent for Echocardiography, and looking for presence or absence of the disease. After completing data collection (name, gender, the age at delivery, presence and type of C.H.D., maternal exposure to drugs, if they are dead or alive), neonates with patent ductus arteriosus excluded from the study. Results & Conclusion:  the frequency was 11 (4.4 %) infants with CHDs, a cyanotic congenital heart disease were more common than cyanotic congenital heart disease also embryonic exposure to maternal drugs during cardio genesis period can be a risk factor to CHD in a premature neonates, and the incidence were higher in males than female.


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