Health Promotion in the Current Dentistry Curriculum
Health Promotion, Professional Training, Dentistry, CurriculumAbstract
Today, Health Promotion has become the socialresponsibility of the medical universities. It isa fact that the health promotion actions carriedout in the units of the national health system do notalways meet the quality requirements that guarantee themodification of popular attitudes and behaviors in relationto oral health, so it is necessary to train health professionalsfrom the beginning to ensure such modification.A bibliographic review was carried out in the period fromApril to May 2016 with the objective of determining thestate of the educational policy of Health Promotion in thecurrent curriculum of the Dentistry career. The consultedbibliography was in digital format as well as printed andthe databases of reference systems MEDLINE, PubMedand SciELO. MeSH and DeCS descriptors were used. Thestudy was limited to 18 articles and the following conclusionswere reached: there are conditions within the studyplan of the Stomatology career and in the programs ofthe subjects that contribute to the integrative discipline ofthe career that favor from the context of education in thework, for being the ideal space for the link of theory withpractice, the formation in the students of the career, inknowledge, abilities and attitudes for their performancein health promotion.Downloads
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