Comparison of vitamin D level in pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes


  • Bahar Bahrani Fard
  • Jalil Houshyar
  • Jafar Zareizadeh
  • Mitra Niafar
  • Naser Aghamohammadzadeh
  • Amir Mehdizadeh
  • Mostafa Najafipour
  • Farzad Najafipour


Vitamin D, Pregnancy, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.


Introduction: Recent findings indicate the correlation ofvitamin D metabolism with diabetes. Since, no comprehensivestudy has performed on pregnant women in thisregard yet, this study aimed to evaluate the correlation ofvitamin D deficiency and gestational diabetes occurrence.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectionalstudy, to evaluate the vitamin D levels, 40 diabeticand 40 non-diabetic pregnant women referred toendocrinology clinics of Bushehr University of MedicalSciences, Bushehr, Iran were enrolled.Results: In this study, 35 (87.5%) and 30 (75%) of diabeticand non-diabetic pregnant women had vitamin Dlevels < 20 ng/ml, respectively, which was not statisticallysignificant (p=0.26).Conclusion: Our data showed a high prevalence ofvitamin D deficiency in pregnant women, so that, 90%of the individuals showed vitamin D levels < 30ng/ml.However, this deficiency was not associated with increasedrisk of GDM


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