Evaluation of the effect of adherence to treatment regimen program on quality of life in atrial fibrillation patients hospitalized in Shahid Chamran Hospital in Isfahan in 2017


  • Fatemeh Yazdi Zadeh
  • Mahin Moeini
  • Davood Shafie


Quality of life, adherence to treatment regimen program, atrial fibrillation, nurses.


Background and objective: Atrial fibrillation is the mostcommon cardiac arrhythmia, which is associated with reducedquality of life due to prolonged treatment and itsrecurrence. One of the key goals in the care of patientswith atrial fibrillation is increasing adherence to treatmentregimen program and the recommendations providedby the treatment group. Thus, the present study was designedand carried out with the aim of determining theeffect of treatment regimen program on quality of life inatrial fibrillation patients hospitalized in Shahid ChamranHospital in Isfahan in 2017.Methodology: This clinical trial study was conducted onpatients with atrial fibrillation arrhythmia in the CardiacCare Unit (CCU) and Post CCU Unit and Internal HeartSurgery Unit of Shahid Chamran Hospital in Isfahan. Atotal of 50 people were randomly selected as sample ofstudy and assigned to two groups of test and control. Thetest group received two 45-minute sessions of adherenceand educational booklet and they were followed-up forone month through phone call. The control group also receivedone session of usual care training individually withregard to the illness. Demographic data and quality of lifedata were collected through Atrial Fibrillation Effects onQuality of Life (AFEQT) before intervention, and one andthree month after the intervention. Data were analyzed bydescriptive and inferential statistics.Results: There was no significant difference between twogroups in terms of quality of life and demographic informationbefore the intervention. However, significant differencewas seen between the two groups in terms of qualityof life one month and three months after the intervention.Conclusion: The results suggest the positive effects ofadherence to treatment regimen program and follow-upof the patients by experienced nurses on quality of life inthese patients one and three months after discharge.


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