A score function as quality measure for cardiac image enhancement techniques assessment


  • Gerardo Chacón
  • Johel E. Rodríguez
  • Valmore Bermúdez
  • Anderson Flórez
  • Atilio Del Mar
  • Aldo Pardo
  • Carlos Lameda
  • Delia Madriz
  • Antonio J. Bravo


Image enhancement, cardiac images, image quality, image enhancement assessment.


Abstract: A score function useful as a quantitative measureof the performance of the medical image enhancementtechniques is reported in this paper. The measureproposed is based on merging of full–reference andblind–reference image enhancement measures. The scorefunction is the average of the weighted sum of the imageenhancement measures normalized between zeroand one. The novel measure is validated considering asa hypothesis that values maximizing score function havethat maximize the values of the metrics (Dice coefficient)used to evaluate certain previously reported cardiac imagesegmentation approach. The values of score functionand Dice score reached the maximum value for the samecardiac volumes segmented.


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