Melanoma acral lentiginoso con metástasis gástrica: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura


  • Vanessa Becerra Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Luz Lizcano Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Simón Peraza Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Olga Silva Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Denny Castro Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Ángel Rivera Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Diana Tinoco Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.
  • Rossana Ramírez Centro de Control de Cáncer Gastrointestinal “Dr Luis E Anderson”. San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira – Venezuela.


Acral lentiginous melanoma is a histological subtype of cutaneous melanoma that occurs on the glabrous skin of the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in the nail area. It can spread to any organ and is the most common metastatic tumor of the gastrointestinal tract, whose most commonly involved sites include the small intestine, large intestine, rectum and stomach. The present case consists of a 65-year-old male patient, who refers to a 1-month evolution of postprandial fullness, heartburn, asthenia, adynamia, and weight loss not associated with hypoingestion; An upper digestive endoscopy is performed where it is evidenced in the upper-middle body, a lesser curve, a lesion with high, well-defined edges, a necrotic center and with a dark color pigment, whose pathological finding concluded that it was a metastatic gastric melanoma, so an exhaustive physical examination is carried out, observing in the right distal plantar region, a stain-like lesion, approximately 6 cm in diameter, oval, hyperchromic, not elevated or pruritic, which histologically corresponded to lentiginous acral melanoma.


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How to Cite

Becerra, V., Lizcano, L., Peraza, S., Silva, O., Castro, D., Rivera, Ángel, Tinoco, D., & Ramírez, R. (2022). Melanoma acral lentiginoso con metástasis gástrica: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura. Revista GEN, 76(1), 28–31. Retrieved from




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