Psychological variables: determinants of the body image adjustment of obese subject to gastric bypass


  • Mariela González Tovar Magister in Phychology Universidad Simón Bolívar Caracas-Venezuela. PhD Candidete in Psychology Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Obesity, Gastric bypass, body image, psychological variables.


Morbid obesity as an entity that is associated to numerous clinical complications, an increased mortality and a deterioration of the quality of life, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends surgical treatments as an alternative. In this sense, the physical and psychological benefits associated with bariatric surgery are well documented. However, the surgery can generate negative effects. The structural changes in the digestive system, coupled with the disruption of the body image especially patients who undergo bypass gastric, reinforce the idea that everything is not positive. Given this reality, this theoretical review is to emphasize the importance of studying the role that psychological variables in adapting to the new body image in these patients.


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How to Cite

González Tovar, M. (2021). Psychological variables: determinants of the body image adjustment of obese subject to gastric bypass. Revista GEN, 70(4), 139–143. Retrieved from

