Evaluación del trigo y maíz criollo como sustrato alimenticio de Sitotroga cerealella Olivier (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)



The effect of wheat (T) and creole maize (MC) cereals on the biological cycle and development of the grain moth S. cerealella was investigated under laboratory conditions. It was found that the type of grain used had a significant effect on the duration of the larval and pupal stages, and longevity of adults (p < 0,001). The larval period in T was 27,98 days and 31,47 days in MC. The pupal period lasted 5,77 ± 1,11 days in T and 7,2 ± 1,58 days in MC. The longevity of the females was 4,67 ± 2,54 and 8,79 ± 0,79 days; while in males it was 3,57 ± 2,06 and 4,21 ± 1,23 days in T and MC, respectively. The weight of the adults varied significantly (p < 0,001) and was 78,92 ± 14,6 and 223,7 ± 24,6 mg/25 pairs in T and MC, respectively. The oviposition period varied in both cereals and was higher in MC compared to T (p = 0,007). Fecundity of moths on T and MC (52 ± 48 and 74 ± 57 eggs/female respectively) did not vary in both cereals (p = 0,135).  However, the fertility of eggs on MC 84 ± 8,02% was higher than those on T 61 ± 6,50% (p = 0,002). Therefore, the MC food substrate proved to be suitable and is recommended for mass rearing of S. cerealella.


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