Psychiatric alterations in patients with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection


  • Luis Lira Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, Venezuela
  • Gustavo Benítez Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
  • María Pulido Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
  • Sineed Arias Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
  • Miguel Lira Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela



Pandemia, COVID-19, Psiquiatría, Trastornos Mentales


Objective: To characterize the mental disorders of the consulting patients of the Psychiatry Service of the University Hospital of Caracas January 2020 - January 2021, who came for the first time and had presented COVID-19 infection 3 to 6 months before consulting. Methods: An observational,
descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out in patients who attended the Psychiatry Service of the University Hospital of Caracas for emergencies (for the first time and successive ones) due to presenting mental pathologies during and after COVID-19 during the period January 2020-January 2021. Results: Of 718 patients, 53 who came with mental pathologies had previous COVID-19 infection, representing 7.38%. Average age 27-29 years (66.03%). The majority were female (71.69%). 77.35% came from the Capital District; 18.86% from the state of Miranda, with the predominant marital status being single with 73.58%; 56.60% were unemployed and 79.24% had no educational level. In relation to the diagnoses: major depressive disorder with anxious symptoms (30.18%), depressive disorder (18.86%), maniform episode (1.88%), acute psychotic episode (18.86%), generalized anxiety disorder (7.54%), among others. Conclusion: Psychiatric symptoms caused by COVID-19 infection appear later and persist after infection. Women expressed a greater risk of presenting symptoms related to mental health; It is associated with a high level of vulnerability due to the influence of social roles, reproductive cycle and greater psychiatric morbidity.


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How to Cite

Lira, L., Benítez, G. ., Pulido, M. ., Arias, S., & Lira, M. (2024). Psychiatric alterations in patients with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 13(1), e390.

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