Primary endometrial squamous cell carcinoma: an entity of very difficult diagnosis


  • Nelson Velásquez Chiquinquirá Hospital of Maracaibo
  • Iria Lozano de Camacho School of Medicine. The University of Zulia. Maracaibo,
  • José Oberto Chiquinquirá Hospital of Maracaibo
  • Juliana Vivas Chiquinquirá Hospital of Maracaibo


endometriode, endometrial adenocarcinoma, epithelial carcinoma, squamous differentiation, ichthyosis uteri, pyometra.


A goajira menopausal woman, with no risk criteria for endometrial adenocarcinoma, was diagnosed through uterine curettage by aspiration of pyometra as primary squamous carcinoma of the endometrium (CPPEE) to meet following criteria: no invasion of the cervix, no extension of the cervical to the endometrium, absence of keratinization of the endometrial surface and intercellular bridges. There was no evidence of human papillomavirus. After the hysterectomy, there was an endometrial tumor composed of glandular elements and squamous tissue in areas, without filling the elements for diagnosis of ichthyosis uteri, infiltrating, without vellous component, grade III and stage IB. There was confusion in the initial diagnosis. The rarity of the CPPEE, less than 100 cases in the world, led to the analysis with several pathologists. It is concluded that in order to obtain the correct diagnosis, it must meet the criteria of Flumman and WHO, exclude infection of the genital tract by HPV, immunohistochemical studies must be positive for keratins and lack estrogen and progesterone receptors. The curettage or the biopsy are not reliable and the study of the whole surgical part is fundamental. In order to establish a prognosis, an accurate diagnosis must be made.


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How to Cite

Velásquez, N., Lozano de Camacho, I., Oberto, J., & Vivas, J. (2019). Primary endometrial squamous cell carcinoma: an entity of very difficult diagnosis. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 8(1), e156. Retrieved from