Relationship between body fat percentage and other anthropometrics indicators of obesity in adults with fatty liver


  • Gerardo J Bauce School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Central University of Venezuela
  • Mary Z Moya-Sifontes School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Central University of Venezuela


Body mass index, waist circumference, index waist-height, index weight percentage of body fat, overweight, obesity


Introduction: Overweight and obesity represent a concern for health authorities, given that it has increased in recent years. Objective: Relate the percentage of body fat with waist circumference, the index size waist and body mass (BMI), as an indicator of obesity. Materials and methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study in a sample of 137 adults, 18 to 70 years. Measured variables: age, height, weight, waist circumference (WC), body mass (BMI), waist height index (WHtR), index weight waist circumference (WWCtR), percentage of body fat (BFP). Determined average, deviation, correlation and test student's t. Results: Average: age (47, 06±13,71 years), weight (77,94±21,99 kg), height (160,57±9,20 cm), BMI (30,21 ± 7,92 kg/m2), WC (0,96±0,16 cm), WHCtR (0,60±0,10), WWCtR (0,80±0,11), BFP(34,19±10,88). According to the BMI, 34.3% obese and 39, 4% overweight. According to WC, high-risk 19.0% and 55.5% very high risk. According to WWCtR, 10, 9% overweight, elevated 21, 2% overweight and obesity 51, 8%. According to WWCtR, 54, 0% at risk. According to BFP, 13, 9% in limit and 52, 5% obesity. High correlation between BMI and BFP (r=0, 85) and between the BFP and WC (r=0, 89). Conclusions: BMI is a good indicator of obesity, but it is important to know the amount of fat in the body. It is suggested the BFP as a complement to diagnose obesity; in addition to add WC, as an indicator of abdominal fat, a more accurate diagnosis of obesity can be to ensure adequate treatment and improve the quality of life in the adult.


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How to Cite

Bauce, G. J., & Moya-Sifontes, M. Z. (2019). Relationship between body fat percentage and other anthropometrics indicators of obesity in adults with fatty liver. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 8(1), e155. Retrieved from