Approach to a positive vision of health in the workplace through the sense of coherence


  • Gisela Blanco Chair of Occupational Medicine. Luis Razetti Medical School. Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas Venezuela.


Sense of coherence, Work, Health.


The salutogenic theory has multiple applications, as fields of action has the human being in the different environments in which lives and develops, one of these fields of action is the work. The development of health in general, as well as within the workplace in particular, is a complex phenomenon that could be explored the salutogenic perspective. In contrast risk factors and disease are the center of attention from a pathogenetic perspective. This article aims to conduct a brief theoretical recount on some of the concepts developed by the salutogenesis theory and specifically of the concept of sense of coherence and its implications in the contribution to spaces of work focused on the positive health as one of the strategies for the promotion of the health in the work environment. This review is mainly based on Chapter 20 about the salutogenesis applications in the work published in the Handbook on Salutogenesis (1) in which the editors performed a review and update of the different fields of application.


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Author Biography

Gisela Blanco, Chair of Occupational Medicine. Luis Razetti Medical School. Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas Venezuela.

Chair of Occupational Medicine. Luis Razetti Medical School. Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Blanco, G. (2018). Approach to a positive vision of health in the workplace through the sense of coherence. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 7(2), 35–39. Retrieved from