A human macrophage-amastigote model for chemo-resistant isolates identification in Leishmania, a proof of concept


  • Ronald Alexander Ramírez-Flamerich Luis Razetti Medicine School, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas –Venezuela.
  • Maritza Padrón-Nieves Luis Razetti Medicine School, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas –Venezuela.
  • Alicia Ponte-Sucre Luis Razetti Medicine School, Central University of Venezuela. Caracas –Venezuela.


Monocytes, Macrophage, Purification, Therapeutic failure, Leishmania, Chemo-resistant markers


Introduction: This work used a human-amastigote macrophage model as a tool to recreate in vitro infection caused by isolates from patient’s with therapeutic failure and assess its usefulness in the identification of chemo-resistant Leishmania isolates. Objectives: (1) Evaluate in vitro a human-amastigote macrophage model and (2) determine its usefulness in the identification of Leishmania isolates with chemo-resistant phenotype. Methods: A purification protocol based on the ability of monocytes to adhere to plastic was evaluated. Monocytes purified from human blood were infected with metacyclic promastigotes of reference species and Leishmania isolates from three patients with antimonial therapeutic failure. The percentage of initial infection and the leishmanicidal effect of glucantime, amphotericin-B and pentamidine were determined; the leishmanicidal capacity was correlated with the levels of nitric oxide production in each condition studied. Results: Results suggest that the human-amastigote macrophage model recreates in vitro the infection caused by reference species, or isolates from patients with therapeutic failure. In addition, they suggest that (1) an effective IC50 for glucantime and pentamidine could not be defined in monocytes infected with the isolate VE98MR and (2) an effective IC50 for pentamidine but nor for glucantime could be defined in monocytes infected with the isolate VE96ZC. On the contrary, an effective decrease in the percentage of infection susceptible to amphotericin-B was observed for all isolates and reference strains. The leishmanicidal effect did not correlate with significant increases in nitric oxide production. Conclusion: The human-amastigote macrophage model used constitutes a proof of concept to identify as potentially chemo-resistant isolates L. (L.) amazonensis (VE98MR) and L. (L.) mexicana (VE96ZC), but not L (L.) amazonensis (VE2000MM).


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Flamerich, R. A., Padrón-Nieves, M., & Ponte-Sucre, A. (2018). A human macrophage-amastigote model for chemo-resistant isolates identification in Leishmania, a proof of concept. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 7(2), 9–17. Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_dp/article/view/15658