El cuidador informal de pacientes con Alzheimer: Relación entre resiliencia, estilos de apego, tiempo en el rol y sobrecarga
Palabras clave:
Cuidadores informales, Alzheimer, Apego, Resiliencia, Informal caregivers, Alzheimer’s disease, Attachment, ResilienceResumen
Se investigó la relación entre resiliencia, estilo de apego, tiempo en el rol y sobrecarga en los cuidadores informales de pacientes con Alzheimer. La muestra fueron 74 cuidadores de Caracas con 87,8% mujeres y edad promedio de 54 años. Los instrumentos empleados fueron: Escala de Sobrecarga de Zarit, Escala de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas de Brennan, Clarck y Shever y Escala de Resiliencia de Wagnild. 52.7% de los cuidadores presentó ausencia de sobrecarga, 22,97% sobrecarga leve y 24.32% sobrecarga intensa. El 31,08% mostró bajo nivel de resiliencia, 47.30% nivel medio y 21,62% alto nivel. El modelo explicó el 30,1% de la sobrecarga, obteniendo que a mayor resiliencia menos sobrecarga, la mayor sobrecarga se relacionó con apego ansioso y menor edad.
The informal caregiver of patients with Alzheimer's. Relationship between resilience, attachment styles, time in role and overload.
The relationship between resilience, attachment style, time in the role and
overload was investigated in informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer. The sample consisted of 74 caregivers from Caracas, Venezuela, 87.8% of which were women, and a global average age of 54 years old. The instruments administered were: Zarit’s Overload Scale, Brennan, Clarck and Shever’s Scale of Experiences in Close Relationships and Wagnild’s Resilience Scale. An absence of overload was appreciated in 52.7% of the caregivers, whilst mild overload was registered in 22.97% of them, and intense overload in 24.32% of them. 31.08% of the sample showed low levels of resilience, whilst 47.30% demonstrated medium, and 21.62% of them a high one. The model explained 30.1% of the overload, suggesting that the greater the level of resilience, the lesser the overload. A greater the overload was associated to anxious attachment and younger age.
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