El régimen y la moral en las relaciones entre Venezuela y Estados Unidos (2001-2010)
Palabras clave:
Venezuela, Estados Unidos, Moral, justicia, The United States, morality, justicResumen
A partir de la relectura del modelo teórico la justiciacomo equidad del filósofo John Rawls, intentamos estudiar y comparar la política exterior de los gobiernos de Venezuela y Estados Unidos,concebidos estos como entes morales, capaces actuar desde y no solo en concordancia con los principios de justicia y de revisar y racionalmente perseguir una concepción del bien. En efecto, observaremos cómo ambos gobiernos actúan racional o razonablemente dependiendo de sus particularidades históricas, a través de la relación entre el régimen político y la moral, siendo esta última la que nos permita estudiar la prioridad de lo justo sobre lo bueno, es decir, la concepción pública de justicia del modelo ralwsiano de la justicia como equidad.
Regime and Morality in the Relations between the United States and Venezuela (2001-2010)
On the basis of a second reading of John Rawls’s theoretical model justice as fairness, I try to study and compare the foreign policy of the governments Venezuela and the United States, conceiving them as moral entities. In this regard, they are considered to have the capacity to act from and in accordance with the principles of justice, as well as to assess and pursue rationally a conception of the good. Indeed, I shall appraise how both governments act rationally or reasonably depending on their historical circumstances, through the political regime and morality. This latter will help to study the priority of what is just over what is good, that is, Rawls’s public conception of justice in his work justice as fairness.