Surveillance for patients with acute coronary syndrome with st segment elevation and spontaneous reperfusion based on the experience of the Regional Vascular center of the Moscow State City University Clinic named after M.P. Konchalovskiy of Moscow health


  • Vladimir A Kuznetsov
  • A. M. Gritsanchuk
  • E. V. Pesennikova
  • O. V. Gridnev


Coronary Syndrome, St Segment, Regional Vascular Center.


To present the experience of managing patientswith Spontaneous Reperfusion (SR)in the Moscow State City University Clinicnamed after M.P. Konchalovskiy of Moscow Health Department,with (ACS) with ST segment elevation. Spontaneousreperfusion of an infarct-related artery (IRA) isa rather rare and prognostically more favorable situationfor a patient with ACS. It depends on many factors, suchas: age, smoking, dyslipidemia, SUA level, and even thetime until the first medical contact. The managementstrategy for such patients involves coronary angiographyand revascularization of the target vessel. The articlepresents the experience of managing such patientsin the Regional Vascular Center (RVC) of the MoscowState City University Clinic named after M.P. Konchalovskiyof Moscow Health Department. SR is definedin the literature as restoration of coronary blood flow inIRA TIMI 2-3 and reduction of ST segment elevation by70% or more. Since the opening of the regional vascularcenter at the Moscow State City University Clinic namedafter M.P. Konchalovskiy of Moscow Health Department,62 patients with SR were analyzed. The results of thestrategy for the immediate implementation of IRA revascularizationin this group of patients are presented.


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