“Ingestion of lean beef meats in blood pressure and biochemical parameters in hypertensives patients”
Palabras clave:
hypertension, lean beef meat, blood pres¬sure, biochemistry parameterResumen
The objective of the present research was to relate lean beef meat intake and blood pressure reduction in hypertensive subjects.Fifty-one participants more than 30 years-old were selected. Study participants were assigned to receive a diet with partial replacement of carbohydrates for proteins of lean beef meat. Follow-up of participants were made every four weeks for an eight-week period. There were indicated to consume lean beef meat once or twice daily depending of caloric expenses. Blood pressure was measured twice with a week difference. Blood samples were collected in all participants at beginning, at four and eight weeks to determine fasting glucose, insulin, glycosilated hemoglobin, cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations. Mean age was 43.5±7.1 years-old and a body mass index was 26.9±3.1 Kg/cm2. There were not significant statically differences in concentrations of cardiovascular risk markers in study periods (p = ns). There was a significant reduction in mean values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure after four and eight weeks of intervention (p < 0.05). It is concluded that a lean red beef intake produces a reduc ion in blood pressure in hypertensive subjects, without effect on the biochemical parameters.Descargas
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