The initial training of the Speech Therapist for the attention to dysarthria, from a pedagogical conception


  • Dayani Frómeta Elías
  • Karel Llopiz Guerra
  • Ronald M. Hernández
  • Raúl Francisco Gutierrez Abregu

Palabras clave:

Initial training, competencies, teachers, speech therapy care.


The initial training of the professional speechtherapist as part of their permanent preparationprocess is a fundamental period inwhich the foundations of their professional performancebegin to be developed. Speech Therapy care starts fromthis training moment, when students in this career mustappropriate different language pathologies, in which themethodological treatment of dysarthria becomes morecomplex from its didactic treatment. This discipline isbased on the need to achieve the integration of contentsand the practical implementation of the professional’sperformance modes, based on the correct direction of theteaching-learning process, which goes beyond the wholeprofessional performance context and must be developedfrom the undergraduate level. In this paper, the theoreticalfoundation is offered, based on the background of theinitial training of the speech therapist teacher with the indicatorsthat characterize it, as well as important basic elementsto be taken into account about dysarthria, with theaim of offering an approach to the treatment of dysarthriafrom the theoretical foundations of the initial training.


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