Seromarkers of synthesis and collagen degradation, electrophysiological heart parameters among patients with syndrome of preexcitation of ventricles


  • L. M Vasilets
  • A. A. Krivaya
  • V. V. Vustina
  • O. V Khlynova
  • L. A. Nekrutenko
  • A. V Tuev

Palabras clave:

arrhythmia, arrhythmogenesis, markersof fibrosis.


The results of examination of 43 patients withsyndrome of preexcitation of ventricles are introducedin the article. The aim of the studywas to optimize diagnostics and prediction of the developmentof arrhythmia in this cohort and to find out thepossible role of disorder of fibrous matrix in the developmentof disorder of cardiac arrhythmias. The main groupconsisted of 43 patients with syndrome of preexcitationof ventricles (phenomenon WPW, syndrome WPW) and15 practically healthy people of the same age were in thegroup of comparison. The average age of the examinedpatients from the main group was 25,3±9,15 years old,among them 29 men (67%) and 14 women (33%). Theaverage age in the comparison group was 27,9±7,9 yearsold. All groups included into the examination were comparableby gender distribution (р=0,45, Fisher’s test) andby age (р=0,27, U-criterion). The highest figures of matrixmetal proteinase-9 (MMP-9) were found among patientswith syndrome WPW – 96,1±33,2ng/ml and in the groupof phenomenon WPW (54,3±21,8ng/ml; р=0,0003). Practicallyhealthy people had minimal values of the MMP-9 -27,4±10,9ng/ml (р=0,00014; р=0,000002). Maximal valuesof tissue inhibitor of matrix metal proteinase (TIMP-1)are introduced in the group of phenomenon WPW and inthe group of practically healthy people (418,5±69,8 ng/mland 461,7±72,2ng/ml; р=0,27). Patients with syndromeWPW have lower TIMP-1 – 341,1±90,1 ng/ml (р=0,002;р=0,00012). The level of propeptideprocollagenof thetype I(PICP) among patients with syndrome WPW was179,9±76,2ng/ml and 97,8±31,7 ng/ml (р=0,00014) inthe group of phenomenon WPW. All examined patientsaccording to the level of PICP differed from practicallyhealthy people 69,4±23,9ng/ml (р<0,05, U-criterion).The examined patients have changes of fibrous matrix.That includes an increasing the concentration of MMP-9,PICP and reducing TIMP-1. The syndrome WPW is characterizedby more expressed disbalanceof seromarkers ofsynthesis and collagen degradation than phenomenon is.It is possible that the examined seromarkers of fibrosistake place in forming disorders of cardiac arrhythmias inactual syndromes.


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