The measurement of adhesion forces in the system «cell-cell» by using atomic force microscope
Palabras clave:
natural and man-made emergencies, cardiovascular Rescuers, medical and psychological rehabilitationResumen
The last decades in the world are characterizedby a steady increase in the number of naturaland man-made emergencies. The Republic ofKazakhstan is not an exception to the global patterns ofemergency situations. In the period from September 4 toOctober 6, 2017, a comprehensive study of the state ofhealth of 551 cardiovascular Rescuers in Almaty (Kazakhstan)was carried out according to reports on registereddiseases, their outcomes and causes of temporary disabilityfor 2012-2017, and the need for rehabilitation basedon a specially designed questionnaire. The study showsthe need to develop effective measures for the organizationof medical and psychological rehabilitation of cardiovascularRescuers.Descargas
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