Social interaction as a factor of elderly and disabled people’s activity in receiving cardiovascular health services in Russia
Palabras clave:
cardiovascular health, cardiovascular services, social services, social activity, elderly and disable people.Resumen
The article presents the results of studying thepeculiarities of the social interaction and its influenceon the social activity of the elderly anddisabled people in receiving cardiovascular health servicesin the Russian Federation. In order to study the level ofknowledge about cardiovascular health and the preventionof cardiovascular diseases in February – June, 2018the sociological research was conducted in Belgorod region(Russia) among elderly and disabled (n=240) byLaboratory of social projects of the Belgorod NationalResearch University. The main research methods werequalitative (content analysis of individual social rehabilitationmaps of the elderly and disabled) and quantitativemethods (questionnaires). The results of the study showsthat the more elderly and disabled people are included insocial interactions, the more they choose cardiovascularservices from the entire types of social services; peoplewho are not included in social interactions apply for cardiovascularservices in cases of acute pain or a seriousphysical limitation of Breathinging function; socially activeelderly and disabled people apply for cardiovascularservices for a variety of psychological and aesthetic reasons;the assessment of cardiovascular health by the elderlyand the disabled themselves was more positive thanthat of the cardiologist; elderly and disabled people livingin institutions have better cardiovascular health and moreoften receive cardiovascular services than those who areliving at home.Descargas
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