Renoprotective effects of 3 HMG reductase blockers in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing revascularization through percutaneous coronary intervention


  • Olga A. Osipova
  • Nina I. Zhernakova
  • Ekaterina V. Dobromirova
  • Andrei I. Golovin

Palabras clave:

acute coronary syndrome, statins, chronic kidney disease.


This literature review presents current data onstatins as anti-inflammatory agents in atherogenesis.Molecular mechanisms responsible forthe anti-inflammatory effects of statins and clinical dataon the non-lipid-lowering, anti-inflammatory effect ofstatins on cardiovascular outcomes are described. Analyzedthe results of several randomized clinical trials, includingGREACE, ALLIANCE, TNT, PLANET I, PLANET II, aswell as other studies and meta-analyses. Since, cardiovascularevents and renal dysfunction are associated withincreased morbidity, lower quality of life and higher mortalityrates. The results of statin therapy in recent largerandomized clinical trials are also discussed. Prospects forfurther studies to compare the clinical efficacy of statinsin situations where there is a risk of kidney damage arediscussed. The question of preliminary (load) administrationof statins in patients with the acute coronary syndromewith ST-elevation remains relevant (STEMI).


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