Optimization of PTSD disorder detection based on nonlinear dynamic analysis of electroencephalogram signals
Palabras clave:
PTSD, EEGResumen
Objective: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is anemotional disorder. This paper aimed to examine theentropy values in patients with PTSD disorder. Methods:The entropy values of 31 EEG channels of 12 subjects (sixhealthy subjects and six patients with PTSD disorder) withtwo entropy methods (sample entropy and fuzzy entropy)were calculated. Results: The sample entropy of channelsFP1, FP2 and FC6 and fuzzy entropy of channel FC6 wereincreased in PTSD group and had the highest differencein compare to healthy group. In addition, sample entropymethod showed superiority in compare to fuzzy entropyfor PTSD recognition problems. Conclusion: Compared tonormal group, patients with PTSD disorder were found tohave average increased entropy values. Results showedthat EEG signals of subjects with PTSD disorder had higherirregularity due to entropy increments. This entropy incrementis more obvious in frontal lobe of the brain whichrelated to emotional experiences.Descargas
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