Differentiated Speech Therapy Massage in a Complex System of Overcoming Dysphagia
Palabras clave:
neurorehabilitation, patients with minimal manifestations of consciousness, rehabilitation potential, neurogenic (motor) dysphagia, differentiated speech therapy massage of neck and shoulder girdle.Resumen
The use of logopedic massage and gymnastics isnecessary to normalize the tone of the musclesinvolved in swallowing, to improve their coordination,to form and restore kinesthetic feedback and restorecortical afferent and efferent links of arbitrary regulationof the swallowing act and chewing. Depending onthe leading neurological syndrome, or a combination ofdisorders, which are identified by a specialist in the diagnosisprocess, a differentiated logopedic massage and specialexercises are used to improve the mobility of the lips,tongue, soft palate, pharynx, larynx and vocal cords, facialand chewing muscles, muscles of neck and shoulder girdle.Descargas
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