Black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Gran Sabana (Venezuela) and Pacaraima Region (Brazil): Distributional data and identification keys for larvae and pupae
The present work provides distribution data and new identification keys to the larvae of 21 species of Simulium in the Gran Sabana region of southern Venezuela, including Canaima National Park. This work increases the black fly records in the area, providing the baseline needed for cytotaxonomic and ecological studies. Data were collected during three sampling periods (October 1996, February and October 1998) in Venezuela. Collections from the Pacaraima mountain region (Roraima, Brazil) on the Brazil-Venezuela border were also included. In the Gran Sabana the following species were collected:S. bipunctatum, S. cauchense, S. guianense s.l., S. goeldii, S. ignacioi, S. inaequale, S. incrustatum, S. iracouboense, S. kabanayense, S. lutzianum, S. maroniense, S. metallicum s.l., S. perflavum, S. quadrifidum, S. spinibranchium, S. suarezi and S. subpallidum. In Pacaraima the species were S. cauchense, S. covagarciai, S. lutzianum, S. maroniense, S. metallicum s.l., S. perflavum, S. rorotaense, S. rubrithorax and S. trombetense. Two new records are reported from southern Venezuela and Brazil: S. covagarciai and S. metallicum s.l. Simulium metallicum cytotype E in northern Venezuela, and S. guianense s.l. and S. incrustatum in southern Venezuela/northern Brazil are associated with onchocerciasis transmission. Future studies in the area will be necessary to determine cytotypes present and their biting behaviour.Descargas
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