Las hormigas ecitoninas de Venezuela (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ecitoninae): elenco preliminar
Palabras clave:
Hormigas cazadoras, distribución, historia natural, Army ants, distribution, natural historyResumen
A preliminary list of the army ants, Subfamily Ecitoninae, known for Venezuela is presented along with their locality records, distribution maps and some natural history data. There is a total of 30 species: 1 of Cheliomyrmex, 6 of Eciton, 2 of Labidus, 19 of Neivamyrmex, and 2 of Nomamyrmex. Eighteen species are recorded for the country for the first time, some are widespread, some are restricted to southern Venezuela, and all are under-collected.Descargas
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