Complications and mortality in neurocritic patients


  • Jorge Gómez Hospital Universitario de Caracas, Venezuela
  • Olga Cox Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas-Esmeraldas, Ecuador



Neurocrítico, UCI, Escala APACHE, Escala SAPS II, Escala SOFA, Mortalidad


Objective: To relate complications and the risk of death in neurocritical patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of the University Hospital of
Caracas during a period of 5 months. Methods: observational, prospective, descriptive research. The sample was made up of 65 neurocritical patients, ≥ 18 years old, with medical or surgical pathologies, admitted to the ICU. The statistical analysis included the determination of frequencies, averages, percentages and means for description of variables and Student's T. Results: The average age was 50.98 ± 16.66 years; the male population represented 50.76%. Among the complications, the highest incidence corresponded to non-infectious complications (70.77%) and metabolic acid-base disorders, anemia and electrolyte alterations were the most frequent; 29.23% of patients presented infectious complications, and pneumonia associated with
mechanical ventilation was the most frequent (73.91%). The comorbidity with the highest incidence was systemic arterial hypertension (53.84%), 90.70% required mechanical ventilation and the time on MV was 4.29 ± 6.43 days. The ICU stay was 5.96 ± 7.72 days. 29.23% had a score on the APACHE II scale between 5-9; SAPS II presented the highest incidence between 6-21 and 22-37 points with (66.70%); The SOFA upon admission was reported to be < 15 points in 98.46% and > 15 in 1.53%. The mortality of the group was 23.08% (n=15). Conclusions: Non-infectious complications predominated over infectious complications, the former being closely related to mortality


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How to Cite

Gómez, J. ., & Cox, O. . (2024). Complications and mortality in neurocritic patients. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 13(1), e385.