Baghdad ER. The evolution of damage control surgery


  • Juan Carlos Valls Puig
  • Eduardo Urra
  • Aníbal Blanco


injuries, trauma, surgery, damage control.


The large number of casualties produced as a result of terrorist attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, stimulated the medical community to rethink the management of trauma. The categorization of the haemorrhages, the new mnemonic MARCH and the incorporation the balanced resuscitation in the damage control surgery, in a combat support hospital in Baghdad, represent a change. The feedback between the civil and military permitted the progress in the treatment of the injuries. The venezuelans hospitals development their experience in the damage control surgery. A new kind of injuries in the capital and the covid 19 indicate the news challenges for the surgeons.


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How to Cite

Valls Puig, J. C., Urra, E., & Blanco, A. (2021). Baghdad ER. The evolution of damage control surgery. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 10(2), e286. Retrieved from

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