Antropometric, biochemical and endothelial cardiovascular risk markers in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a control group comparison
Palabras clave:
metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk, endotelina-1 and nitric oxido.Resumen
The metabolic dysfunctions anddiseases clustered under the Metabolic Syndrome (MS)definition are all progressive and lead to increases morbidityand mortality due to cardiovascular causes. Endothelialdysfunction is an important feature of metabolicsyndrome. Endothelium is a complex endocrine organable to produce a large quantity of substances such asEndothelin-1 a powerful vasoconstrictor and Nitric Oxide(NO) a vasodilator related to oxidative stress. The aim ofthis study was to evaluate cardiovascular risk markers insubjects with metabolic syndrome and compare againsta control group. Material and Methods: We set in 9groups with normal laboratory values and without metabolicsyndrome diagnosis (control group) and performeda complete clinical evaluation including anthropometrymeasurements and cholesterol, tryacilglycerides, C-HDL,C-LDL, glucose (INVELAB), insulin, endothelin-1 andNO (Commercial Cayman and Calbiochem ELISA kit).Results: lower NO levels where observed in MS subjectscompared to control leading to vasoconstriction, vascularwall abnormalities and hypertension in addition to resistanceto insulin, overweight and dyslipidaemia may leadto increased endothelial dysfunction and cardiovasculardisease in this patients.
In the metabolic syndrome (MS) the pathologies alterationprogresses in the time, towards a high morbidity and cardiovascularmortality. The endothelial dysfunction is a characteristicof the MS. Endothelium, is a complex structure thatacts in the vascular remodeling and the liberation of activesubstances, such as Endotelina-1, a powerful vasoconstrictorand Nítric Oxide (NO), vasodilator associated to theoxidative presence of stress. The objective of this work wasto evaluate the cardiovascular risk and endothelian markersin subjects with metabolic syndrome (n=9) comparedto the control group (n=9). The subjects were evaluatedby anthropometric measures, cholesterol determination,triglycerides, cholesterol-HDL, cholesterol-LDL, Glicemia,(INVELAB), Insulin, Endotelina-1, (Cayman Chemical CO)and NO (Calbiochem). We observe a diminution of nitricoxide in the group with diagnose of metabolic syndrome,in comparison with the normal group, which can be resultof the alteration in the vascular wall and vasoconstriction,that act in the increase of the hypertension and with thecombinations to of the insulin resistance, lipids altered valuesand overweight entails to the endothelial dysfunctionand greater cardiovascular risk in these patients.