Laureano Vallenilla Lanz ante la condición humana
Palabras clave:
Positivismo, Condición Humana, Determinismo, Evolucionismo, Caudillismo, Positivism, Human Condition, Determinism Evolutionism, «Caudillismo»Resumen
Laureano Vallenilla Lanz (1870-1936) figura en la historiografía venezolana más como un político al servicio incondicional del régimen de Gómez, que como un intelectual que desde su posición ideológica, equivocada o no, asumió el reto de pensar el país y proponer soluciones a sus distintas problemáticas. Pretendemos en esta ocasión andar un poco contracorriente, abordando el estudio del pensamiento de este cidos tal vez por sus compatriotas de hoy, pero con los que Vallenilla pensó que contribuía al desarrollo pleno de la nación venezolana y, en especial, a una mejor comprensión de su especificidad como tal.
Laureano Vallenilla Lanz (1870-1936) stands in Venezuelan historiography more as a politician at the unconditional service to the regime o f the ruler Juan Vicente Gómez, than as an intellectual that, from his ideological position, be it wrong or not, assumed the challenge of thinking in his country and of proposing solutions to its different problems. In this paper we want to go against the current tendency, studying the ideas o f this barcelonian from an anthropologic philosophical reflection which would lend itself to show his thoughts about human condition, fundamentally, those ideas that deal with an essence or a human nature, and the relation of man to nature, God, State, society,history, destiny, freedom, war, peace, the human couple, and the role of education in the process to reach human perfection. Also, we want to delimitate his gnoseological standing and the place that values have in his conception of man and of society. We believe that this kind of analysis would show some ideas of Vallenilla that maybe have gone unacknowledged by his countrymen of today, but indeed, ideas with which Vallenilla thought he worked for the full development of the Venezuelan nation, and especially, for a better understanding of its specificity as such.