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Título : Diagnóstico de poblaciones de ácaros plagas y depredadores sobre rosa y gerbera, en San Pedro de los Altos, Miranda, Venezuela.
Autor : Nienstaedt, Bárbara M.
Palabras clave : ácaro
Fecha de publicación : 3-Jun-2014
Resumen : Ornamental production in Venezuela is generating interest and the need for information in different areas of production. Given this need a diagnosis was made of the current situation of the ornamental field on rose and gerbera plants) concerning populations of pests and predatory mite, through monthly samples, of which two species were identified Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor, 1954) and Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836. Additionally, this information was shared with the producers and staff in charge of the plantations, obtaining an affirmative response to the appropriate and timely management of pest mite populations.
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