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Título : Distribution of Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis
Autor : Escalona, Laura A
Brito, A
Almon, R
Bravo, IM
Perrone, M
Correnti, M
Palabras clave : Actinobacillus actynomycetencomitans, Prevotella, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Chronic Periodontitis.
Fecha de publicación : 2006
Editorial : Revista Venezolana de Investigación Odontológica
Citación : Rev Venez Invest Odontol. 2007 Ene-Jun;7(1): 29 - 37
Resumen : actinomycetencomitans (Aa) with pocket depth and attachment loss. Methods: 256 dental plaque samples obtained from periodontal pockets with variable depths of 16 patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, were analysed by PCR. The patients were clinically assessed for plaque and gingival index, bleeding on probing, pocket depth and attachment level. Subgingival plaque samples were obtained and were evaluated for the presence of P.i, P.g and A.a .Results: The distribution of the species was 100%, 69% and 19% for Pi, Aa and Pg respectively. Pi was observed independently from the other species analized in 31% of the patients, the combination of Pi+Aa was detected in 50 %, and Pi+Aa+Pg in 19%, while the association with Pi+Pg was not observed. Pi was associated with pocket depth ≤ 3mm and attachment loss between 3.1-5mm. The Pi+Aa association was higher in patients with pockets depth > 3mm and attachment loss between 3.1-5 mm. Pg was only observed in combination with Aa+Pi in patients with a pocket depth >3mm and attachment loss between 3.1-5mm. Conclusions: We may conclude that Pi presence was associated with shallow pockets while the deepest pockets were related with coinfection between the evaluated species.
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