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Título : Managing contradictions: the university under a radical political view
Autor : Albornoz, Orlando
Jiménez, Elsi
Palabras clave : Academic performance
Radical government
Student rebellion
Fecha de publicación : 5-Dec-2012
Resumen : This paper shows the results of empirical research trying to measure academic performance in a society undergoing changes under a radical political view of the university. The strategy has been to measure the size and impact of the academic community: in this case collecting empirical data on what type of community do the different types of universities serve. The research was conducted in Venezuelan universities. We analyze the higher education system in this society and then the political environment were a radical government is taking steps to have the whole higher educational system as well as the universities under the direct political and ideological control of the government, trying to change from capitalism to a socialist society. Our conclusion analyses the effects felt by universities in Venezuela in the transition from capitalism to socialism, including the student’s rebellion that took place in Venezuela in May 2007.
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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