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Título : Subjetivación del proceso de emigración en un grupo de adultos jóvenes venezolanos
Autor : Goncalves, Jessica
Palabras clave : Psicología
Jóvenes Venezolanos
Fecha de publicación : 21-Jun-2018
Citación : Goncalves, Jessica (2016). Subjetivación del proceso de emigración en un grupo de adultos jóvenes venezolanos. Trabajo Especial de Grado presentado ante La Universidad Central de Venezuela, Escuela de Psicología como requisito para optar al título de Licenciada en Psicología. Tutor Pavan, Giovanna. Tesis P16 G6 2016
Resumen : Durante las últimas décadas, Venezuela ha pasado de ser un país de inmigrantes a uno de emigrantes. Ha habido un incremento de las migraciones de los jóvenes y adultos en edad productiva. No obstante, las experiencias migratorias pueden llegar a ser nocivas para la salud del individuo, pudiendo afectar gran parte del equilibrio emocional. La presente investigación se plantea como problema ¿cuáles son las vivencias subjetivas de un grupo de venezolanos que se encuentran en proceso de emigración del país, en cuanto a sus motivos, emociones, pensamientos y expectativas?. El tipo de investigación es No Experimental, Transeccional, con enfoque cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico. Se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad a 8 personas, con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 40 años. Los participantes explicaron los motivos de su partida, destacando el deterioro de las condiciones del país y la migración como una oportunidad para cumplir un deseo laboral o personal. Las emociones vinculadas al hecho de vivir en el país, las emociones del partir, las formas de percibirse como emigrantes, la esperanza de cambio acerca del país de origen y los preparativos para la emigración. En los participantes resaltó, la pérdida del sentimiento de identidad con respecto al país de origen, la expresión de tristeza relacionada a duelos, el uso de mecanismos de defensa como la disociación, temores por lo venidero y expectativas de cumplir con las metas deseadas. Se concluye, que este grupo de venezolanos están optando por continuar sus vidas bajo condiciones que consideran que son las más apropiadas, también están en la búsqueda de una tierra madre que proteja como el país de origen ya no lo hace. Venezuela was a country of immigrants between the dacades of the 30's and 80's, now it has become a emigrant's country. Migration is increasing among students and professionals in working ages. However, migratory experience has become harmfull for those people, affecting their health and emotional balance. The problem: This research wants to explore the experience that Venezuelans are confronting with their migration process. The main goal is to explore their emotions, thougths and expectations. The research is Not Experimental, it's transectional and based in quantitative focus. There were made a depth interview to 8 people between 21 and 40 years old. Those participants explained their reasons to leave Venezuela, they highlight that the main reason is the constantly deterioration of the country. Migration is an opportunity to fulfill work and personal goals, they explained their feelings about live in another country, their worries about leave Venezuela, what will feel to be an immigrant, their hope and how it's to set all process to emigrate. It was found that participants lost their sense of identity attached to Venezuela, the sadness related to duels, mechanism of defense such as dissociation, they have many fears about future and how to achieve their goals. In conclussion, this group of Venezuelans want to continue their live in a country that fulfill their expectations under better conditions, they are looking for a country that protect them and become the motherland that Venezuela was long time ago.
Venezuela was a country of immigrants between the dacades of the 30's and 80's, now it has become a emigrant's country. Migration is increasing among students and professionals in working ages. However, migratory experience has become harmfull for those people, affecting their health and emotional balance. The problem: This research wants to explore the experience that Venezuelans are confronting with their migration process. The main goal is to explore their emotions, thougths and expectations. The research is Not Experimental, it's transectional and based in quantitative focus. There were made a depth interview to 8 people between 21 and 40 years old. Those participants explained their reasons to leave Venezuela, they highlight that the main reason is the constantly deterioration of the country. Migration is an opportunity to fulfill work and personal goals, they explained their feelings about live in another country, their worries about leave Venezuela, what will feel to be an immigrant, their hope and how it's to set all process to emigrate. It was found that participants lost their sense of identity attached to Venezuela, the sadness related to duels, mechanism of defense such as dissociation, they have many fears about future and how to achieve their goals. In conclussion, this group of Venezuelans want to continue their live in a country that fulfill their expectations under better conditions, they are looking for a country that protect them and become the motherland that Venezuela was long time ago.
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