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Título : Latin American Growth, Development Nutrition ongoing surveillance of children and adolescents (Observatorio Latinoamericano de Crecimiento, Salud y Nutrición de niños y adolescentes).
Autor : López-Blanco, Mercedes
Macías-Tomei, Coromoto
Herrera Mogollón, Héctor
Méndez de Pérez, Betty
Martín-Rojo, Joana
Landaeta-Jiménez, Maritza
Herrera Cuenca, Marianella
Palabras clave : Crecimiento
Fecha de publicación : 17-Jan-2018
Resumen : In Latin America, there are distinguished research fellows and well trained clinical auxologists, nevertheless communication channels are not easily available and often depend on personal initiatives. The Grupo Latinoamericano sobre Cecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil (GLACDI) was created as a response in order to overcome these barriers and facilitate communication. A sub-group of members are in consequence, proposing the creation of a Latin American Observatory of Growth, Development and Nutrition that would formally create and develop these channels.
Aparece en las colecciones: Presentaciones (Jornadas, Congresos)

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