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Título : Water deprivation upregulates angiotensin II receptors in rat anterior pituitary
Autor : Israel, Anita
Saavedra, Juan M.
Fecha de publicación : 1985
Resumen : Angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors were quantitated in pituitary glands of individual male Long Evans rats by autoradiography after incubation of8-pm thick pituitary sections with r'z5I-[Sarr]ANG II. Rat anterior pituitary had a single class of high-affinity saturable ANG II receptors with a -B.". of 1,360 i 109 fmol/mg protein and a K, of 0.510 t 0.03 x 10'g M-r. Five days of water deprivation produced a marked increase in the number of anterior pituitary ANG II receptors (B-""12,428 i 233 fmol/mg protein, a 79% increase, P < 0.001) and a decrease in affinity for the ligand (K,:0.337 a 0.01 10'g M 1, a 34% decrease, P < 0.05). Ou¡ results suggest a role fbr anterior pituitary ANG II receptors in the regulation of fluid and elect¡ol,te metabolism in the rat.
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