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Título : Nutritional status and body composition in Venezuelan children under 6 years of age.
Autor : Pérez, B
Landaeta-Jiménez, M.
Ledezma, T.
Palabras clave : Body composition
Nutritional status
Transverse growth
Fecha de publicación : 18-Oct-2017
Resumen : Differences in body composition were evaluated according with nutritional status in 677 Venezuelan children aged 2 to 6 years of low socioeconomic status. Nutritional assessment was performed through height-for-age and weight-for-height using WHO guidlines. Arm muscle and fat area, energy/protein index, body mass index, humerus and femur diameters were taken as indicators of body composition. Results revealed 18.5% and 11% malnourished children for height-for-age and weight-for-height. Differences were shown according with cutt-off-points, degree of deficits, sex and age. Applying a stepwise analysis to groups of malnourished children reveals body mass index, energy/protein index and femur width in girls, and energy/protein index, humerus and femur width in boys, as significantly related to malnutrition. These data suggest that estimated of bone growth and muscle reserves of the arm, provide a useful indication of nutritional status especially for boys.
Descripción : Auxology'94. Humanbiolo. Budapest. 25;541-547. (1994)
ISSN : 0134-0034
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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