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Título : Nuevos registros del género Anadyomene J.V. lamouroux (Anadyomenaceae, Chlorophyta) para el Mar Caribe
Otros títulos : New records of the genus Anadyomene J.v. lamouroux (anadyomenaceae, chlorophyta) from the caribbean sea
Autor : Vera, Beatriz
Palabras clave : Parque Nacional Archipi{elago Los Roque
Anadyomene, Chlorophyta, Mar Caribe,Venezuela
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Acta Botánica Venezuelica
Citación : 34;1
Resumen : Two news records of Anadyomene (Anadyomenaceae,Chlorophyta) are reported from Venezuelan coast: A. pavonina and A. rhizoidifera, originally described from Florida and Brazil respectively. Both species are growing at 18 m depth around Nordisquí key in Archipiélago Los Roques National Park. The only species of this family reported from Venezuelan coast was A. stellata also from Archipiélago Los Roques and Los Hermanos islands.This record extends the geographic distribution of this species for Caribbean Sea.
ISSN : 0084-5906
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