Buscar por Autor Rada, Elsa Maria

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Mostrando resultados 1 a 5 de 5
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-Feb-1987Effect of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-2 on lymphocytes from patients with leprosyRada, Elsa Maria; Mosca, Walter; Aranzazu, Nacarid; Convit, Jacinto
1-Jan-1987Immunosuppression and cellular immune reacctions in leprosy patients treated with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCGRada, Elsa Maria; Convit, Jacinto; Ulrich, Mariam; Gallinoto, Maria Eugenia; Aranzazu, Nacarid
3-Mar-1983Larval stages and adult parasites of filarie from Dasypus sabanicola ( Armadillo local)Campo-Aasen, Imelda; Convit, Jacinto; Rada, Elsa Maria; Mendoza, Mireya
1-Mar-2005Serologic recognition of low molecular weight mycobacterial protein fractions in lepromatous patients with type II reactions (ENL)Rada, Elsa Maria; Zambrano, Edgar Armando; Aranzazu, Nacarid; Convit, Jacinto
8-Mar-2011Specific IgG antibody responses may be used to monitor leprosy treatment efficacy and as recurrence prognostic markersDuthie, Malcolm S; Hay, M N; Rada, Elsa Maria; Convit, Jacinto; Ito, L; Oyafuso, LKM; Manini, MIP; Goulart, IMB; Lobato, J; Goulart, LR; Carter, Darry; Reed, Steven G
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