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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
25-May-2012Fatigue behavior of a structural steel coated with a WC–10Co–4Cr/Colmonoy 88 deposit by HVOF thermal sprayingLa Barbera Sosa, José G.; Santana, Yucelys Y.; Villalobos-Gutiérrez, C.; Chicot, D.; Lesage, J.; Decoopman, X.; Iost, A.; Staia, Mariana H.; Puchi-Cabrera, Eli S.
2013Fatigue behavior of a structural steel coated with a WC–10Co–4Cr/Colmonoy 88 deposit by HVOF thermal sprayingLa Barbera-Sosa, J.G.; Santana, Y.Y.; Villalobos-Gutiérrez, C.; Chicot, D.; Lesage, J.; Decoopman, X.; Iost, A.; Staia, M.H.; Puchi-Cabrera, E.S.
6-Jul-2013Sliding wear of a-C:H coatings against alumina in corrosive mediaStaia, Mariana H.; Puchi-Cabrera, Eli S.; Iost, A.; Carrasquero, Edwuin; Santana, Yucelys Y.; La Barbera Sosa, José G.; Chicot, D.; Van Gorp, A.
Mostrando resultados 1 a 3 de 3


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