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27-Nov-2013A comparative analysis of the clotting and fibrinolytic activities of the snake venom (Bothrops atrox) from different geographical areas in VenezuelaSalazar, Ana Maria; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis; Giron, Maria E; Aguilar, Irma; Guerrero, Belsy
27-Nov-2013Alterations in the ultrastructure of cardiac autonomic nervous system triggered by crotoxin from rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus cumanensis) venomHernandez, Miguelina; Scannone, Hector; Finol, Hector J; Pineda, Maria E; Fernandez, Irma; Vargas, Alba M; Giron, Marıa E; Aguilar, Irma; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
27-Nov-2013Anti-platelet effect of cumanastatin 1, a disintegrin isolated from venom of South American Crotalus rattlesnakeDa Silva, Manuel; Lucena, Sara; Aguilar, Irma; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis; Salazar, Ana M; Sánchez, Elda E; Girón, Maria E; Carvajal, Zoila; Arocha-Piñango, Carmen L.; Guerrero, Belsy
27-Nov-2013Experimental ophitoxemia produced by the opisthoglyphous lora snake ( Philodryas olfersii ) venomRodríguez-Acosta, Alexis; Lemoine, Karel; Navarrete, Luis; Girón, María E.; Aguilar, Irma
27-Nov-2013Individual venom variability in the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus cumanensisAguilar, Irma; Guerrero, Belsy; Salazar, Ana Maria; Giron, Maria E; Perez, John C; Sanchez, Elda E; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
28-Nov-2013Inhibition of the Hemorrhagic and Proteolytic Activities of Lansberg’s Hognose Pit Viper (Porthidium lansbergii hutmanni ) Venom by Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) Serum: Isolation of Didelphis Marsupialis 0.15Dm Fraction on DEAE-Cellulose ChromatographyPineda, Maria E; Girón, Maria E; Estrella, Amalid; Sánchez, Elda E; Aguilar, Irma; Fernandez, Irma; Vargas, Alba M; Scannone, Héctor; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
28-Nov-2013Intraspecies differences in hemostatic venom activities of the South American rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus cumanensis, as revealed by a range of protease inhibitorsSalazar, Ana M; Aguilar, Irma; Guerrero, Belsy; Giron, Maria E; Lucena, Sara; Sanchez, Elda E; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
28-Nov-2013Proteolytic, Hemorrhagic, and Neurotoxic Activities Caused by Leptodeira annulata ashmeadii (Serpentes: Colubridae) Duvernoy’s Gland SecretionLemoine, Karel; Giron, Maria E; Aguilar, Irma; Navarrete, Luis F.; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
27-Nov-2013Puri¢cation and characterisation of a haemorrhagic fraction from the venom of the Uracoan rattlesnake Crotalus vegrandisAguilar, Irma; Giron, Maria E; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
29-Nov-2013USE OF HEN EGG DERIVED IMMUNOGLOBULIN AGAINST SCOLOPENDRA (Scolopendra gigantea) VENOMParrilla-Alvarez, Pedro; Navarrete, Luis; Girón, Marıa E; Aguilar, Irma; Rodríguez-Acosta, Alexis
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