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23-Jun-2015Interaction between the low molecularmass components of blood serum and the vanadium(III)–6-methylpicolinic acid systemMachado, Joseph; Martínez, José Daniel; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Brito, Felipe; Del Carpio, Edgar; Hernández, Lino; Lubes, Vito
19-Jun-2015Mixed-ligand complex formation equilibria of vanadium(III) with picolinic and dipicolinic acids with some dicarbxylic acids (oxalic, malonic and phthalic acids) studied in 3.0 M KCl at 25 °CEsteves, Ana; Escobar, Jessaid; Martínez, José Daniel; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Brito, Felipe; Hernández, Lino; Del Carpio, Edgar; Lubes, Vito
14-Feb-2017Photophysical and electrochemical properties of novel pyridyl-ethylene Re-complexesMachado, Rubén A.; Vargas, Franklin; Arce, Alejandro J.; Rivillo, David; De Sanctis, Ysaura; Jorge Rodríguez, Gilberto; Martínez, José Daniel; D’Ornelas, Lindora
14-Feb-2017Síntesis nanopartículas de paladio por vía electroquímica y su caracterización por microscopia electrónica de transmisiónSuárez C., Vanessa del C.; Bullón, Mary Carmen; Martínez, José Daniel; Jorge Rodríguez, Gilberto; Urbina de Navarro, Caribay
23-Jun-2015Solution studies of vanadium(IV), vanadium(V), and vanadium(IV,V) complexes with methionine in 3.0 mol LZ1 KCl ionic medium at 25 CCARBONELL, K.; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Martínez, José Daniel; LUBES, V:; BRITO, FELIPE
23-Jun-2015Speciation of the nickel(II) complexes with oxalic and malonic acids studied in 1.0 mol dmZ3 NaCl at 25 CPEÑUELA, JORGE; Martínez, José Daniel; Araujo, Mary Lorena; BRITO, FELIPE; LUBES, GIUSEPPE; RODRIGUEZ, MILDRED; LUBES, VITO
19-Jun-2015Speciation of the Ternary Complexes of Vanadium(III)–Dipicolinic Acid with the Amino Acids Glycine, Proline, α-Alanine and β-Alanine Studied in 3.0 mol·dm−3 KCl at 25 °CBatista, Carmen; Martínez, José Daniel; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Brito, Felipe; Lubes, Giuseppe; Rodríguez, Mildred; Lubes, Vito
14-Feb-2017Speciation of the vanadium(III)–acetylacetone system in 3.0M KCl ionic medium at 25 CBrito, Felipe; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Martínez, José Daniel; Hernández, Y.; Mohy, A.; Lubes, Vito
23-Jun-2015Stability constants of mixed ligand complexes of vanadium(III) with 8-hydroxyquinoline and the amino acids glycine, proline, α-alanine and β-alanineSanoja, William; Martínez, José Daniel; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Brito, Felipe; Hernández, Lino; Del Carpio, Edgar; Lubes, Vito
13-Feb-2017Studies on Aluminum Chemistry: 1. Hydrolysis of Al3+ 4 Aged in Acidic 3.0 mol L21 (Na)Cl Solution at 25 CMarín, A.; Araujo, Mary Lorena; Martínez, José Daniel; Lubes, V.; Brito, F.
Mostrando resultados 4 a 13 de 13


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